Where can I find Charlie Bears in the Albury/Wodonga region?

Where can I find Charlie Bears in the Albury/Wodonga region?

In need of a specific Charlie Bear? We have a huge range of different Charlie Bears with bright and natural colours for all occasions, and are known to have the most Charlie Bears in stock within the Albury/Wodonga region. 

Welcome to our little haven of cuddly companions, where we take pride in offering an amazing collection of Charlie Bears! Whether you are a regular collector or a new visitor, our shop is a perfect destination to find your next cuddly friend. 

Our unique collection

We’re proud to say that no one in town offers a selection like ours. From classic designs to different sizes and shapes we have something for everyone. If you are on a hunt for a new colour or design, even a present for a loved one you can find it right here in our store. 

Our unique collections range from all different sizes, shapes and colours. Some examples of our stock include dragons, multi colored bears, neon bears, neutral  bears, unicorns, dogs, cats, and monsters. 

Destination worth visiting 

Whether you're a local or a new person passing by, a trip to our shop is a must for any Charlie Bear admirer. Come step into a world of charm and colours when visiting our amazing Charlie Bear collection and display. Who knows you might find the perfect Charlie Bear of your dreams.